Pineapple Edge Control | Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique
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Pineapple Edge Control

$17.50 No Rating Yet
12 in stock

The search for the best edge booster styling gel and braid and edge smoother is over. With Medusa's Magic stylish, and sweet smelling Pineapple Edge Control Products, the fine details for natural hair management and hair care for braids are well in hand with this sophisticated edge tamer gel. Enjoy Medusa's Magic Pineapple Edge Booster gel for your fine black hair and hairline products collection.

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SKU: pine1
  • Brand:
  • Medusa's Magic

You've taken the first step by having the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique style your black hair. But to manage the fine details, you need edge gels and edge control products to do your black hair justice. Well, ladies, Medusa's Magic answers your majestic call with the Pineapple Edge Control for braids - the definitive pineapple edge booster and braid and edge smoother.

Pineapple Edge Booster Gel...

The Pineapple Edge Control Gel for braids encapsulates in one package all the natural health benefits of pineapple. Some of the top pineapple benefits for skin include anti-inflamation and improved digestion. But the real pineapple benefits come with a succulent edge tamer gel to get those black hairs in line. Medusa's Magic Pineapple Edge Booster Gel for braids and black hair is the queen of edge booster styling gel and run-of-the-mill, imitation pineapple edge control products.

Pineapple Edge Control
Medusa's Magic Pineapple Edge Booster Gel has no equal among pineapple edge control products

No other Pineapple Edge Booster Styling Gel Compares...

Sure, that's a bold statement, but with the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique's signature Pineapple Edge Control Gel for braids, your hairline products concerns are no more. A smooth edge gel made with all the right ingredients, the Pineapple Edge Booster Styling Gel leaves all other Pineapple Edge Control Products in the dust. They're inferior. And the sooner you embrace this, the sooner you can get the edge tamer gel you were destined to have - the ultimate braid and edge smoother.

Who says you can't have your pineapple and eat it to? Certainly not the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique. You've put it off long enough. It's time to get the best in hairline products and pineapple edge booster gel. It's time for Medusa's Magic signature Pineapple Edge Control Products - the queen of edge tamers.

Pineapple Edge Control
Pineapple edge booster gel is the ultimate braid and edge smoother and unrivaled among hair care products for braids

Show your fine black hair who's the boss. No more sub-par black hair products. With the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique's Pineapple edge booster styling gel, you have the supreme power of edge tamers to make your black hair, and ultimately the world, bow down to your aura.

Pineapple Edge Control Gel for Braids...

Pineapple Edge Control
Pineapple edge booster gel is the ultimate braid and edge smoother and unrivaled among hair care products for braids

And in case there was any question, the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique takes the crown for braid and edge smoother products. So consider the Pineapple Edge Booster Gel, your first, second, and last option for your hair care products for braids.

Who says you can't have your pineapple and eat it to? Certainly not the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique. You've put it off long enough. It's time to get the best in hairline products and pineapple edge booster gel. It's time for Medusa's Magic signature Pineapple Edge Control Products - the queen of edge tamers.

Pineapple Edge Control
Pineapple edge booster gel is the ultimate braid and edge smoother and unrivaled among hair care products for braids

Show your fine black hair who's the boss. No more sub-par black hair products. With the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique's Pineapple edge booster styling gel, you have the supreme power of edge tamers to make your black hair, and ultimately the world, bow down to your aura.

Pineapple Edge Control Gel for Braids...

Pineapple Edge Control
Pineapple edge booster gel is the ultimate braid and edge smoother and unrivaled among hair care products for braids

And in case there was any question, the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique takes the crown for braid and edge smoother products. So consider the Pineapple Edge Booster Gel, your first, second, and last option for your hair care products for braids.

lavender, rosemary, water, ceteareth, peg-40 extract, glycerin, yellow-1, leuconostic ferment, ecocert filtrate, natural phenylpropanol, ethylhexlglycerin, fragrance, pineapple elements

How to use Pineapple Edge Booster Styling Gel

For best results, wash and rinse your hair. Dry your hair, but be careful not to soak out all hair moisture. Remember, Pineapple Edge Control is a rich edge tamer gel. But you don't want to apply too much of this braid and edge smoother, otherwise your black hair can get clumpy. Apply small amounts of the Pineapple Edge Booster until you get the desired results.

A New Era for Edge Tamer Gel

Black hair care needs persist, rain or shine, winter, spring, summer or fall. We're an online hair care store that believes in strong edge tamers and natural hair care products that perfrom under any circumstances. Got a pressing job interview and are trying to impress? No problem. Light usage of the Pineapple Edge Booster styling gel leaves a dramatic first impression.

Fenugreek Hair Oil
Experience the Pineapple Edge Booster Gel - the ultimate Edge Booster Styling Gel

Edge Tamers for all Seasons

Or, if you want to spice it up with your significant other, the Pineapple edge booster gel is the answer to get him to come closer and squeeze you tight. Perfect for every day travel, your braid and edge smoother needs are in good hands with Medusa's Magic signature Pineapple Edge Control Products - a modern day marvel and one of the best hair care products for braids.

Medusa's Magic Means Pineapple Edge Control Products

Medusa's Magic represents a bold new era for personal care products and edge gels. When it comes to Pineapple Edge Control Products, Medusa's Magic is pure fire. Browse our collection of edge tamers and natural beauty products at the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique.

A New Era for Edge Tamer Gel

Black hair care needs persist, rain or shine, winter, spring, summer or fall. We're an online hair care store that believes in strong edge tamers and natural hair care products that perfrom under any circumstances. Got a pressing job interview and are trying to impress? No problem. Light usage of the Pineapple Edge Booster styling gel leaves a dramatic first impression.

Fenugreek Hair Oil
Experience the Pineapple Edge Booster Gel - the ultimate Edge Booster Styling Gel

Edge Tamers for all Seasons

Or, if you want to spice it up with your significant other, the Pineapple edge booster gel is the answer to get him to come closer and squeeze you tight. Perfect for every day travel, your braid and edge smoother needs are in good hands with Medusa's Magic signature Pineapple Edge Control Products - a modern day marvel and one of the best hair care products for braids.

Medusa's Magic Means Pineapple Edge Control Products

Medusa's Magic represents a bold new era for personal care products and edge gels. When it comes to Pineapple Edge Control Products, Medusa's Magic is pure fire. Browse our collection of edge tamers and natural beauty products at the Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique.

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