When you create a member account or subscriber to our newsletter, we collect and store your name, first and last, and email. To help provide a satisfactory and customer experience, we have geo tracking. When you purchase from us, we also collect your address, and phone number. But at no time do we sell that information to third-parties. We use secure encryption to maintain the privacy and security of your accounts. But like anything, no security strategy is foolproof or invincible. But we take our customers' privacy seriously and strive to protect your sensitive data to the best of our abilities.
When you purchase from The Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique, all payment information is not stored on our site. That information is given and stored from our third-party payment gateways. Any data breaches and hacks is their domain, and not the responsibility of The Beauty Lounge Natural Hair Salon Boutique.
Because we use geotracking and cookies to store customer data, we store cookies. But, we don't sell your data to third-party sources. The purpose of cookies is to help provide you a great customer shopping experience.
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